What To wear On Your next Ski trip

When needing to update my workout gear a couple months ago, I stumbled upon Carbon38—a new-to-me e-tailer that has the absolute coolest selection of activewear (umm, hello, look at THESE).  After falling in love with the brand for their workout gear, I happened to notice that they also have some amazing pieces that would work for a ski trip—especially a bunch of pieces with the form and function to wear on and off the slopes.  With an upcoming trip to Breckenridge on the calendar, I decided to give their ski-friendly activewear a try and am so glad I did.  These Carbon38 pieces got me through a super cold, snow-filled weekend and then some.

~ see look 1 details at bottom of post ~

This grey hoodie has the coolest, comfiest webbed thumbhole sleeve extensions that fit perfectly into their windproof gloves.  I somehow forgot a scarf one morning on the slopes (I know, HOW?!) and I was able to pull up the hood and wear it under my hat and helmut, tightening the drawstrings which brought the mock neck comfortably up over the lower portion of my face.  In the brutal cold of that morning, it absolutely saved me!

This vegan leather vest was such a perfect multi-tasker on the trip as well.  It’s fleece-lined so served as an amazing layer during the day on the slopes (see it in action on instagram here), and then fit right in with jeans and over-the-knee boots for dinner and drinks that night.

~ see look 2 details at bottom of post ~ 

Вы парни. This vest. After wearing the hoodie and leather vest on day one, I didn’t think it could get better. Yet another multi-tasker, this puffer vest might’ve just been my favorite piece of the bunch—which is really saying something. The chevron design makes for a slimmer take on the traditional puffer vest, featuring mesh insets between each panel. It provided the most wonderful extra layer of warmth under my parka (essential for how brutally cold it was!) while maintaining a level of breathability that kept me from turning into a sweaty mess while skiing.

~ see look 3 details at bottom of post ~ 

Per the images above, you can see that the puffer vest also looks terrific off the slopes with jeans and a t-shirt.  One of the best features of this beauty is the fact that it comes with a tiny little case and the entire vest can be packed down into basically one cubic centimeter.  Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration, but for someone committed to a carryon, this packability feature alone made the vest an epic win.

Speaking of commitment to a carry on, apparently I was so committed to packing lightly, that I managed to completely forget to pack my snow boots.  Lucky for me it only snowed about ten inches while I was in Breckenridge so it was no big deal…


My Stuart Weitzman Lowland over-the-knee boots are always travel favorites during the winter because they take up so little space in my luggage, so these were my go-to aprés ski footwear.  Otherwise, sans snow boots, I luckily happened to bring these Adidas Superstar sneakers which have rubber toes that kept any wet snow at bay.

Last but not least, I really upped my ski jacket game with this Adidas by Stella McCartney quilted bomber jacket.  I’m obsessed with basically everything about the coat—the trendy cropped style, the perfect reflective grey hue, the oversized drawstring stand collar that served as the ultimate wind/snow shield, the jacket’s supreme functionality with thumbholes and amazing internal harness, and the warmth warmth warmth!  My ski pants are high-waisted which was covered perfectly by the jacket’s banded elastic waist, making the cropped coat more than able to keep out snow and cold.

~ see look 4 details at bottom of post ~ 

Even the quality of their basic compression leggings really knocked my socks off—serving as an amazing layer underneath my ski pants (just wait ’til you see the rest of their leggings below!).  I’ve got my eye on their bodysuits too (how sick is this one?!) for my next trip which I think would make for the comfiest base layer.

And if that wasn’t enough to wet your appetite, get a load of these suckers:

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А теперь для всех нарядов Deets …

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Жилет: c/o Carbon38 | Капюшона: c/o Carbon38 | Леггинсы: c/o Carbon38 | Шляпа: c/o Джоселин | Перчатки: c/o Carbon38 | Носки: (старый, похожий здесь) | Обувь: Adidas

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Жилет: c/o Carbon38 | Леггинсы: c/o Carbon38 | Куртка: Бертон (старый, похожий здесь, здесь и здесь) | Рубашка: Хелли Хансен | Обувь: Стюарт Вейцман | Перчатки: c/o Carbon38 | Шляпа: c/o Джоселин

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Джинсы: Виктория Бекхэм (также здесь, и очень похожий стиль здесь) | Футболка: J. Crew | Жилет: c/o Carbon38 | Обувь: Стюарт Вейцман | Перчатки: c/o Carbon38 | Научители: (Старый, похожий здесь, здесь и здесь) | Сумка: m2malletier (также здесь) | Ожерелье: C/O Мелинда Мария | Губа: NARS (Bansar)

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Куртка: Stella McCartney C/O Carbon38 | Леггинсы: c/o Carbon38 | SHIRT: Helly Hansen  | SHOES: Stuart Weitzman  | HAT: c/o Jocelyn  | GLOVES: c/o Carbon38  | STOLE: (old, similar HERE and HERE)  | SUNGLASSES: Ray-Ban

This post was produced in collaboration with Carbon38.

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